Inscriptions on the gravestones in St Andrew’s Churchyard
(Section A)
Characters in italic type are unclear. Unreadable words are shown thus “……”
This list is divided into sections A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q corresponding to the areas of the graveyard.
The numbers allotted to the graves correspond to those given in the field “Graves” of the Burials table. If you want to search alphabetically for a surname for a burial before 1988, you can do a full search of the Burials Register file to find the grave number (if any)
Section A
A002: Here lieth the body of MARY wife of Henry LUSCOMBE who died the 2nd October 1808 aged 31 years Also HENRY husband and father of the above who died the ….. of April 1821 in the 58th year of his age
A003: In memory of SUSANNA SAUNDERS who died 23rd April 1829 aged 30 years. Also of JAMES SAUNDERS husband of the above who died 20th of October 1870 aged 80 years. And of SUSAN their infant daughter. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
A004: In affectionate remembrance of JANE HEAPE of Rushbury, Stafford. Born April 3rd (5th?) Died Dec. 20th 1871.
A006: In memory of JOSEPH WEBBER Clothier who departed this life December the 9th 1788 aged 84. Also MARY his wife. (On the buried end of this stone is the inscription: Here lyeth the body of DAVID the son of Jonathan and Mary Cockram who dyed …..)
A007: In memory of GEORGE HARRIS of Crediton who departed this life November ….. 1788 aged 58 (Burial 26th).
A008: In loving memory of SAMUEL LIGHTFOOT who died August 15th 1908 aged 76. Also of HARRIET beloved wife of the above who died October 30th 1908 aged 74. Faithful unto death. Erected by Samuel & Mary.
A009: Sacred to the memory of JOHN LIGHTFOOT who died March 20th 1876 aged 54 years. How still and fearful is the grave Where life’s vain tumults past The appointed house, by heaven’s decree Received us all at last.
A010: To the memory of MARY wife of Daniel LIGHTFOOT who died May 25th 1849 aged 65 years. Through months and years in pain and tears Through troubled paths I trod My Saviour’s voice bade me rejoice And called my soul at last.
A011: Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM FROST who died March 16th 1837 aged 75 years. Also of MARGARET his wife who died April 4th 1800 aged 37 years. Also of CHARLOTTE his second wife who died February 15th 1839 aged 80 years.
A013: Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH the wife of William ALLAN who died July 22nd 1844 aged 47 years. Also of SARAH his second wife who died July 17th 1850 aged 51 years. Also of MARIA daughter of the above William and Elizabeth Allan who died June 29th 1854 aged 22 years. Also of the above WILLIAM ALLAN who died June 6th 1873 aged 74 years.
A014: (Damaged stone) In loving memory of JAMES CYPRIAN SAWDYE WINDEATT husband of the above who died at Sloncombe April 29th 1922 aged 86 years. At rest.
(On reverse) In heaven to meet your Saviour there. Also of JOHN ROWDON husband and father of the above who departed this life the 2nd of March 1829 aged 54 years.
A015: (Broken portion, lying on the ground) XXXXX Sacred to the memory of GEORGE B….. son of John an….. ROWDON, who d….. life the 20th of ….. in the 15th y….. In memory of GEORGE ROWDON BISHOP born April 27th 1825 died June 24th 1858. Your children’s must not be measured by their years. WILLIAM ROWDON born July 28th 1780 died Sept. 3rd 1818. To the memory of his many virtues the friends and companions of his ripening years have raised this monument with the firm hope ere time has mingled with the dust they may be reunited to him by bond over which death and the grave will prosper in vain.
A016: Here are deposited the mortal remains of JOHN ROWDON late of this parish, Maltster, who departed this life the 11th of January 1797 aged 49. Also of SARAH his wife who departed this life the 31st of August 1809 aged 57. (Reverse) In memory of JOHN ROWDON born Febry. 23rd 1800 died March 19th 1863.
A017: In loving memory of WILLIAM JOHN HYETT who died September 10th 1931 aged 80 years. Also of RUTH HYETT who passed away May 10th 1936 aged 83 years. Also of their daughters MARTHA HYETT died 4th November 1955, ESTHER HYETT died 19th July 1963. Thy will be done.
A018: In memory of ANNIE BLAKE ELLIS died July 3rd 1929 aged 55 years. There is a link death cannot sever Love and remembrance lasts for ever. In memory of WILLIAM COLRIDGE died March 14th 1937 aged 75 years. Good night beloved. Also of his wife MARY GRACE died May 12th 1960. Reunited.
A019: In memory of WILLIAM ELLIS who died June 5th 1861 aged 68 years. JOANNA wife of the above who died Decr. 24th 1872 aged 78 years. GEORGE EDWARD grandson of the above died Feb. 21st 1873 aged 10 weeks. GEORGE son of the above William ELLIS who died Septr. 26th 1914 aged 81 years. At rest. Also ELIZABETH BLAKE ELLIS wife of the above George Ellis who died April 14th 1927 aged 88 years. Peace perfect peace.
A020: In loving memory of our dear sisters ETHEL MINNIE HYETT Aug. 21th 1953 aged 66 years. EDITH KATE HYETT died Nov. 20th 1939 aged 60 years. At rest.
A021: WATKIN CHARLES EVANS born April 25th 1873 died March 10th 1874. God shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom.
A022: In loving memory of ANN PONSFORD who departed this life 28th Jan. 1892 aged 73 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
A023: In loving remembrance of MARY the beloved wife of James TUCKER who died February 12th 1866 aged 26 years. Also of WILLIE their beloved and only son who died January 26th 1882 in the 23rd year of his age.
A024: Sacred to the memory of WALTER MORTIMORE for twenty three years a faithful servant at Linscott in this parish who died November 14th 1862 aged 57 years.
A025: S A 1850
A026: In affectionate remembrance of JOHN SHORT who died Aug. ….1871 aged 82 years. Also ELIZABETH SHORT his wife who died Jan. 23 1855 aged 61 years. Their end was peace. Also five of their children.
(Largely below ground level)
A027: JOHN SNOW February 22 1769. Also WILLMOT his wife died January the 25 1776 (or 1770).
A028: Sacred to the memory of SUSAN wife of John SMALE who died the 3rd of March 1829 in the 25th year of her age. Also of two of their infant children. Here lie buried the partner of my life A tender mother and a virtuous wife.
A029: WILLMOT SNOW died March 2? 1769 aged 68 years.
A030: In memory of BESSIE daughter of John and Laura PARKER who died 11th October 1858 aged 2 yrs. & 6 months. Also of WALLACE JOHN PARKER brother of the above who died 4th January 1930 aged 62 years. At rest.
A031: Affectionate remembrance of ELIZABETH the beloved wife of John ENDICOTT who departed this life November 19th 1872 aged 64 years. Also two of their infant children. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Also of the above JOHN ENDICOTT who died June 23rd 1886 aged 80 years. (An indistinct quotation follows).
A032: In loving memory of LEWIS ENDICOTT died May 22nd 1915 aged 69 years. Also of his beloved wife SARAH JANE died January 26th 1925 aged 70. In peace together. And of their two sons HUMPHREY CECIL died Febry. 16th 1918 at Akron, Ohio, U.S.A. aged 34, and ALFRED TOM killed in action at Vimy Ridge April 23rd 1917 aged 32.
A033: JOHN HAMLIN died July 29 1849 aged 59 ELIZA his daughter16 June 6th 1861 aged 33.
(On reverse) 1668 RL
A034: Sacred to the memory of PHILIP FROST late of Linscott in this parish who departed this life the 10th of April 1836 aged 72 years. Also of ELIZABETH wife of the above who departed this life the 14th of August 1819 aged 58 years.
A035: In memory of WILLIAM FROST late of Linscott in this parish who died July 19th 1801 aged 86 years. Also SARAH wife of the above who died the 7 of Feb. 1813 in the 82 year of her age.
A036: In memory of SUSANNA FROST who departed this life the 21st April 1863 in the 11 year of her age.
A037: Sacred to the memory of MARY FROST who departed this life the 21st of December 1831 in the 76th year of her age.
A038: In memory of GEORGE son of Salathiel and Mary FROST who departed this life the 21st day of May 1825 aged 9 mths. Also of MARY mother of the above who died the 2nd day of May 1829 aged 34 years. Also of GRACE daughter of the above who died the ….. 1829 aged 2 years. Also of JOHN FROST son of the above died November 24 1842 aged 24 years.
A039: Erected to perpetuate the memory of GEORGE BALLAMY son of Simon and Sarah Ballamy of this parish who departed this life May 15th 1838 aged 3 years. Also of SARAH mother of the above who died the 7th Septr. 1842 aged 44 years.
A040: In loving memory of SELINA JANE the beloved wife of William STANLEICK who entered into rest July 19th 1923 aged 79 years. A dear wife and loving mother. Until we meet at Jesus’s feet. Also of the above WILLIAM STANLEICK who passed peacefully away October 29th 1935 aged 90 years. “He giveth his beloved sleep”.
A041: To the beloved memory of SARAH SHORT who departed this life December 12th 1866 aged 56 years. A loving and affectionate wife and mother. Also of JOHN SHORT husband of the above who departed this life June 17th 1887 aged 79 years. His end was peace.
A042: In loving memory of ELIZABETH A. STANLEICK (BESS) daughter of William & Selina J. Stanleick who entered into rest November 18th 1923 aged 50 years. Until the day break and the shadows flee away. Also of ANNIE STANLEICK (NANCIE) sister of the above who entered into rest December 25th 1938 aged 62 years. Ever faithful ever sure. Also of FLORENCE EMILY STANLEICK who entered into rest May 28th 1952 aged 70 years.
A043: Sacred to the memory of THOMAS NECK of this parish who departed this life the 24th day of May 1823 aged 74 years. Also ANNE NECK wife who departed this life the 15th day of September 1823 aged 72 years. Also of AARON NECK who died Dec. 3 1851 (1863?) aged 68 (or 63).
A044: Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM FROST who died at Meacombe in this parish March 3rd 1880 aged 57. He was an affectionate husband and a faithful and a valued servant.
A045: In loving memory of SELINA JANE CLAY died 12th Dec. 1945 aged 74. Also of her husband WILLIAM CLAY died 2nd June 1951 aged 74.
A046: Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM BAKER who died February 15th 1855 aged 60 years. Also of SARAH wife of the above who died October 9th 1865 aged 56 years. Also of ELLEN their daughter who died September 12th 1869 aged 25 years.
A047: In memory of JOHN UNDERHILL who died August 15th 1881 aged 78 years. Also of ELIZABETH UNDERHILL who died April 4th 1864 aged 55 years. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
A048: In loving memory of EDWARD PETHYBRIDGE who died February 9th 1858 aged 73 years. Also of his wife MARY PETHYBRIDGE who died April 12th 1887 aged 84 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
A051: C W 179?
A052: In loving memory of JAMES ROWDEN WINDEAT who died March 13th 1926 aged 49 years. Also of his beloved wife SUSAN MARY who died 1st June 1966 aged 92 years. R.I.P.
A054: The name NECK appears five times, with the following apparent dates: 1773, 1778, 1764, 1793, 17??
A055: In loving memory of LOUISA STANLEICK died November 16th 1935 aged 57 years.
A056: In memory of ELIAS BABBACOMBE Gent. who departed this life the ?th day of April 1806 aged 84 years. Also of SUSANNA BABBACOMBE sister of the above who departed this life the 12th of December 1811 aged 80 years. Also of ELIZABETH the wife of William Babbacombe GERMON of Meacombe (and daughter of Elias Cuming of Bowden of this parish) who died May 20th 1853 aged 28 years. Also of WILLIAM their infant son died June 8th 1835 aged 6 months. Also of aforesaid WILLIAM BABBACOMBE GERMON late of Sloncombe in this parish who died February 18th 1875 aged 67 years. Also of CHARLOTTE widow of the said William Babbacombe GERMON of Elmfield, Moretonhampstead,who died the 18th day of January 1900 aged 81 years.
Sacred to the memory of MARY MEDLAND who died ye 26th March 1783 aged 66 years. Also of RICHARD husband of the above Mary MEDLAND who died ye 13th April 1784 aged 74 years. Also of ANN HAMLYN their grand daughter who died ye 12th April 1800 aged 6 months. Also of JOANNA BABBACOMBE HAMLYN mother of the above and daughter of Richard and Mary Medland who died ye 30th July 1900 aged 27 years.
A057: Sacred to the memory of THOMAS DODD who departed this life the 25th of February 1832 aged 32 years.
A058: Sacred to the memory of SUSANNA PETHYBRIDGE of Ducksmoor in this parish who died June 22nd 1842 aged 75 years. Also of JAMES PETHYBRIDGE husband of the above who died Dec. 11th 1845 aged 76 years. Their souls we trust are gone above, To dwell with Christ in peace and love.
A059: Sacred to the memory of PHILIP PETHYBRIDGE late of Gnallam in the parish of Walkhampton who departed this life the 15th of May 1839 aged 59 years.
A060: In loving memory of FRED died Dec. 17th 1930 aged 16 years, REG died Aug. 10th 1934 aged 23 years, dearly loved sons of Edgar and Emma GRANT. “At rest”. Also of their brother LESLIE MARK beloved husband of Cicely died 7th April 1965 aged 52 years.
A061: Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH wife of William PILLER who departed this life the 16th day of June 1821 aged 71 years. Also of seven of her children who are buried here. Also of WILLIAM PILLER who departed this life the 5th day of June 1833 aged 81 years. Also of MARY daughter of the above William and Mary Piller who died March 16th 1853 aged 72 years.
A062: Sacred to the memory of FRANCIS TREMLETT who was fifty years clerk of this parish. He died Deptember 29th 1821 aged 74. Also of JOAN TREMLETT wife of the above who died July 30th 1831 aged 71. MARIA TREMLETT their daughter died February 1st 1862 aged 77. FRANCES TREMLETT their daughter died November 20th 1870 aged 80.
A063: To the memory of THOMAS BOLT who died December 5th 1871 aged 56 years. In the midst of life we are in death.
A064: In memory of JOHN son of Claud & Mary ROBERTSON who died Jan. 4th 1855 aged 22 years. Also 2 of their infant children. Also of the above CLAUD ROBERTSON who died March 7th 1869 aged 65 years. And of MARY his wife who died Dec. 12th 1893 aged 85 years. Their end was peace.
A065: Sacred to the memory of JOHN LIGHTFOOT who died January 4th 1842 aged 61 years. Who lived respected and died lamented. Also of SARAH wife of the above who died Nov. 3 1858 aged 76 years.
A066: In affectionate remembrance of JOHN WHITE who died March 20th 1862 aged 70 years. Also of ELIZABETH wife of the above who died September ….. 1877 aged 78 years. (Burial 14th).
A067: In memory of WILLIAM FROST who died February 2nd 1893 aged 69 years. Also of MARY wife of the above who died May 29th 1852 aged 60 (or 80) years. Also four of their children.
A068: Sacred to the memory of JOHN STEVENS who died the 12th October 1830 aged 77 years. Also of ANN wife of the above who died the 13th of August 1842 aged 88 years.
A069: (On reverse): Sacred to the memory of MARY the wife of William FROST who died May 20th 1852 aged 60 years. Also of four of their infant children. Also of the above WILLIAM FROST who died February 2nd 1863 aged 69 years.
In memory of JAMES OSBORNE who died 31st Jan. 1848 aged 81. Also of SUSANNA his wife who died 6 Feb. 1853 aged 87. Also of MARY OSBORNE who died April 3rd 1875 aged 63. (Burial 8th).
A070: Erected to perpetuate the memory of ELIZABETH RICHARDS who departed this life the 15th of April 1838 aged 76 years. Also of SAMUEL RICHARDS husband of the above who departed this life the 1st of September 1839 aged 79 years. Also of BETSY HUTTON daughter of the above who died 19th December 1857 aged 70 years.
A071: In loving memory of EVELYN beloved daughter of N. & C. COLE died March 4th 1934 aged 11 years. Safe in the arms of Jesus.
A072: In memory of JOHN ASH who died Feb. 2nd 1832 aged 47 years. Also of MARY WOTTON daughter of the above died October 11th 1873 aged 60 years. Also of her husband SAMUEL WOTTON died Feb. 18th 1874 aged 64 years.
A073: Life thou must leave mid all its pleasures, Its joys, its sorrows, and its treasures, And before tomorrow’s sun doth shine, Your life may be with that of mine.
A074: Erected to the memory of MARY the wife of JOHN PETHYBRIDGE who died October 30th 1860 in the 69th year of her age. Also of the aforesaid JOHN PETHYBRIDGE who died October 31st 1878 in the 87th year of his age. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace. Ps. XXXVII. 37.
A075: Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH PETHYBRIDGE who departed this life the 5th of April 1812 aged 70 years. Also of RICHD. PETHYBRIDGE son of the above who departed this life the 2 of April 1820 aged 45 years. Also of JOHN PETHYBRIDGE son and brother of the above who departed this life the 20th September 1824 aged 60 years. Also of JOSEPH PETHYBRIDGE husband and father of the above who departed this life the 28th of April 1825 aged 86 years.
A076: In loving memory of EDGAR GRANT died Dec. 21st 1928. Also of WILLIAM his son died March 22nd 1928 and of EMMA wife of Edgar died March 2nd 1961 aged 87.
A077: In affectionate remembrance of JOHN ENDACOTT who died May 18th 1876 aged 62 years. In the midst of life we are in death. Also of GEORGE ENDACOTT son of the above who died October 14th 1872 aged 25 years. Interred at Tiverton Cemetery. Beloved by all who knew him. Also of THIRZA wife of the above John ENDACOTT who died December 1st 1899 aged 79 years. At rest.
A078: In memory of FRANCES DOWN who died August 25th 1875 aged 32 years. Thy will be done. Also of THIRZA REEBY daughter of John and Thirza ENDACOTT who died August 16th 1922. “Peace perfect peace”. Interred in Plymouth Cemetery.
A080: In memory of JANE ENDACOTT wife of Edward Endacott of this parish: who died March the 16th 1842 aged 67 years.
A081: [NB. This tomb is officially “listed ” as: Chest tomb, c. C17, granite with corners to the chest and ogee moulding to underside of lid, which has worn inscription on top]
(Very indistinct) Sacred to the memory of SARAH POTTER born ….. 1811 died 1868. Also of ELIZABETH her daughter, and of GRACE ….. sister, born ….. 1796 died ….. 1876.
A082: Sacred to the memory of ROBERT POTTER who died 11th November 1872 aged 66 years. Also of MARIA POTTER beloved wife of the above who died 30th January 1885 aged 85 years. Their end was peace.
A083: MARY ANN HEAL who died May 26th 1924 aged 75 years. Also of WILLIAM SESS HEAL her beloved husband who died Decr. 11 1925 aged 80.
A084: Erected to the memory of GRACE wife of Wm. SAUNDERS died 19th January 1852 aged 59 years. Also three oof their infant children. Also of CHARLES SAUNDERS son of the above died March 5th 1855 aged 26 years.
A085: In memory of JOHN SAUNDERS who died from the crush of a waggon the 28th April 1876 aged 22 years. ‘Twas in the blooming age of man God took me from this wicked land. I left my wife and child dear unto the God of Israel’s care, in whom I trust that he will bless the widow and the fatherless. Also the infant daughter of the above who died the 1st of March 1874 aged 4 months. Thy will be done. Also ANNIE wife and mother of the above who died the 16th of June 1877 aged 22 years. I heard the voice of Jesus say Come unto me and rest, Lay down thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon my breast.
A086: Sacred to the memory of RICHARD COWLING who died June 10th 1848 aged 61 years. Also of MARY KERNICK his daughter who died May 22nd 1854 aged 35 years, and her infant child. Also of ANN MUDGE his daughter who died Nov. 11th 1859 aged 43 years. Also of LOUISA MUDGE her daughter who died June 10th 1861 aged 17 years. Also of MARY COWLING wife of the above Richard Cowling who died June 28th 1868 aged 77 years.
A087: In memory of JOHN MARDON who died Nov. 24th 1876 aged 81 years. Be clothed with humility. 1 Pet. V 5. Also of ANN his wife who died July 14th 1881 aged 83 years. Thy will not mine be done.
A088: M.E. MARDON died Dec. 11th 1850 aged 3 years. ELLEN MARDON sister of the above died Jan. 24th 1857 aged 16 years.
A089: 1669 AW
A090: In loving memory of THOMAS CLIFFORD beloved son of C. & A. YEOMAN, who died May 12th 1927 aged 2 years & 9 months. Jesus called a little child.
A091: J. ASH 1831 M. ASH 1837. Also of MARTHA CORNISH HEALE granddaughter of the above who died June 18th 1851 aged 20 years.
A092: J. ASH 1812. E.A., A.A., M.A., J.A., E. ASH 1846. To sleep in ….. O how sweet. Also of SUSAN ANN ASH who died March 17th 1851 aged 25. A faithful daughter and a loving sister. Loved, respected, lamented.
A093: In ever loving memory of EMILY the dearly loved wife of James MAJOR who died October 30 1927 aged 66 years. Father in thy gracious keeping, Leave we now our dear one sleeping. Also of the above JAMES MAJOR who died April 8th 1930 aged 68 years. Grant unto them eternal rest, O Lord.
A094: In memory of ANNE wife of W. THORN who died December ye 21 1805 aged 34. Also of the above WM. THORN who died June 3rd 1852 aged 83.
A095: In dearest memory of LAURA MAJOR July 24th 1887 – Dec. 8th 1950. ELSIE MARY MAJOR Nov. 23rd 1902 – July 20th 1982. At rest.
A096: In ever loving memory of LILLIAN ELSIE dearly loved wife of James MAJOR who departed this life Sept. 19th 1956 aged 68 years. At rest. Also of the above JAMES MAJOR who departed this life April 5th 1968 aged 78 years. Reunited.
A097: In memory of MARY PADDON who died 17th of Febry. 1839 aged 77 years.
A098: Erected to the memory of JOHN GUY of this parish who died Jan. 9th 1841 aged 54. Also ANNA wife of the above who died April 12th 1853 aged 69 years.
A099: Sacred to the memory of JOHN SOPER who departed this life August the 10th 1840 aged 77 years. Also of MARY SOPER wife of John Soper who departed this life December the 31st 1836 aged 77 years. Also ISAAC SOPER their son who departed this life October the 5th 1833 aged 42 years. Also WILLIAM SOPER their son who departed this life September the 25th 1835 aged 34 years. And of JOHN SOPER son of the above who died May 4th 1906 aged 81 years. At rest.
A100: In loving remembrance of JOHN MAJOR who departed this life October 14th 1880 aged 48 years. ‘Twas in the blooming age of man, God took me from this wicked land. I left my wife and children dear, Unto the God od Israel’s care, In whom I trust that He will bless, The widow and the fatherless. Also of MARY wife of the above who died March 20 1902 aged 68 years. She rested in the Lord and waited patiently for Him.
A101: In loving memory of JOHN HEATH MAJOR who died March 7 1920 aged 56 years. Gone but not forgotten. Also to the dear memory of GEORGE son of the late James and Emily MAJOR died April 25th 1946 aged 51 years. “Faithful and beloved”.
A102: To dear JIMMIE son of James and Elsie MAJOR died May 4th 1922 aged 9 months.
A103: In loving memory of EMILY WANNELL of Kingwell who died May 14th 1922 aged 21 years.
A104: In loving memory of SUSAN the beloved wife of George WANNELL who died December 11th 1936 aged 74 years. Rest in peace. Also of the above GEORGE WANNELL who died Feb. 5th 1943 aged 41 years. Peace perfect peace. And their daughter SUSAN BEER died 31st Dec. 1986.
A105: In loving memory of LUCY the beloved wife of John MAJOR who died Janry. 17th 1925 aged 32 years. And of ESME LAURA JOAN their daughter aged 6 months.
A106: In loving memory of WILLIAM beloved husband of Mary SLEE who died April 22nd 1934 aged 74 years. Also of the above MARY SLEE who died December 10th 1936 aged 73 years. At rest.
A107: In loving memory of ELIZABETH beloved wife of William HEALE died Feb. 15th 1938 aged 74. Also of the above WILLIAM HEALE died July 6th 1946 aged 79.
A108: In loving memory of GEORGE SNOW late Inspector of Railways, Natal, South Africa, who passed away peacefully at Waunarlwydd, South Wales, July 24th 1935 aged 84 years.
A109: In loving memory of MARY JANE the beloved wife of Tom WANNELL who passed away Feb. 24th 1932 aged 76 years. At rest. Also of the above TOM WANNELL who passed away March 19th 1942 aged 83 years.
A110: Sacred to the memory of BETTY AUSTIN who died 4th Decr. 1826 aged 54 years. Also of JOHN AUSTIN husband of the above who died 23rd April 1840 aged 73 years. Farewell, no more I need your ground, No more I need the gospel sound. My feet have reached the heavenly shore, I know no imperfections more.
A111: I A
A112: In loving memory of WILLIAM MAJOR who passed away Jany. 19th 1914 aged 77 years. Also of MARY wife of the above who died Oct. 28th 1923 aged 82 years. R.I.P.
A113: ANN ROWLEY died 28th Feb. 1847 aged 53.
A114: Sacred to the memory of JOHN LEAMAN who departed this life February 13th 1864 aged 44 years. Therefore being justified by faith,we have peace with God through our lord Jesus Christ. Romans V.
A115: Erected to the memory of THOMAS STEER who died July 3rd 1835 in the 57th year of his age. Also of ANN STEER wife of the above who died July 11th 1856 in the 77th year of her age.
A116: To the memory of SUSAN HEYWARD who departed this life March 3rd 1871 aged 39 years. Beloved and lamented. In the midst of life we are in death. Also in loving memory of THOMAS WILLS of Moor Barton who died March 12th 1899 aged 81 years. “At rest”.
A117: To the memory of THOMAS WILLS of Moor Barton in this parish who departed this life December 26th AD 1842 aged 52 years. Also of SUSANNA his wife who died June 25th 1875 aged 87 years.
A118: In loving memory of GEORGE DIBBLE youngest son of William and Mary Ann Dibble of Loughton in this parish who entered into rest April 10th 1882 aged 24 years. Jesus said it is finished. Also of WILLIAM DIBBLE father of the above who died January 5th 1899 aged 81 years. Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age like a shock of corn cometh in his season. And of MARY ANN DIBBLE relict of the above William Dibble who passed away peacefully at Plymouth 11th March 1907 in her 85th year. With Christ which is far better. Also of JOHN DIBBLE their son who died at Strathfield, Sydney, Australia, July 13 1932 aged 76.
A119: Erected to the memory of GEORGE SNOW of Lowton in this parish, Yeoman, who departed this life June the 3rd AD 1851 aged 77 years. Also to the memory of JOHN DIBBLE who departed this life March 26th 1855 aged 44 years. Also the memory of SARAH DIBBLE sister and mother of the above who departed this life November 3rd 1864 aged 74 years.
A120: In memory of ELEANOR the wife of John SNOW of Lowton who departed this life the 14th of August 1810 aged 62 years. In my afflictions all, I on my God did call, and He did hear my prayer. Also of the above JOHN SNOW who died Septr. 18th 1827 aged 75 years. Also of JOHN their son who died March 17th 1824 aged 36 years.
A121: JESSIE EASTGATE (Sexton). Passed on Dec. 27th 1931. Respected by all.
A122: In memory of NICHOLAS ALWAY who departed this life January 12th 1789 in the 54th year of his age. Also three of his children lie buried here. Also JANE ALWAY wife of the above died the 28th day of April 1803 aged 70 years.
A123: (Top part badly eroded) July the 7th 1781 aged 16 years.
A124: In memory of MARIA the wife of William AGGETT who died May 15th 1869 aged 44 years. I heard the voice of Jesus say, Come unto me and rest. Lay down thou weary one, lay down, Thy head upon my breast. Also ELIZA their daughter aged 20 months. Also of ELIZA wife of Stephen IGGLEDEN and daughter of the above who died September 24th 1874 aged 22 years. Beloved by all.
A125: In memory of WILLIAM HOLMAN who died November 17th 1822 aged 84 years. Also of MARY wife of the above who died January 10th 1840 aged 98 years. Also of JOHN HEYWARD who died September 21st 1824 aged 34 years. Also of SUSANNA daughter of the above William and Mary HOLMAN who died Sptr. 11th 1871 aged 83 years.
A126: Sacred to the memory of MARIA daughter of John & Mary JEFFERY who died January 6th 1860 aged 17 years. Also their infant son. But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, for He shall receive me.
A127: JOHN JEFFERY who died 29th January 1926 aged 76 years. ELIZABETH JEFFERY his wife who died 12th November 1937 aged 79 years. EVA F. JEFFERY their beloved daughter passed away 23rd Sept. 1969 aged 79 years. Reunited. God’s will be done.
A128: In memory of WILLIAM LASKEY who died January 8th 1848 aged 62 years. Also of ELIZABETH his wife who died December 8th 1847 aged 64 years. Also of ROBERT their son who died May 7th 1844 aged 22 years.
A129: In loving memory of MARGARET STONE ROBJOHNS passed away 25 Aug. 1957 aged 71. Also her beloved husband JOHN HENRY passed away 24 Aug. 1968 aged 81. Reunited.
A131: Erected to the memory of SUSANNA wife of William HORRELL who died Sptr. 24th 1851 aged 57 years. Also of the above WILLIAM HORRELL who died Novr. 6th 1857 aged 63 years.
A132: In memory of JOHN HORRELL he died 22nd June 18656 in the 24th year of his age. Let sickness blast and death devour, If heaven must recompense our sins, Perish the grass and fade the flower, If firm the word of God remains. Also of JOSHUA HORRELL father of the above, he died February 21st 1859 aged 75 years.
A133: In loving memory of WILLIAM LETHEREN who fell asleep 10th March 1949 aged 83 years. Also of MARY LETHEREN died 16th Jan. 1975 aged 94. Resting in God’s garden.
A134: In loving memory of ELEANORA VITTERY WHEATON TOURLE who passed away 1st June 1928 aged 82 years. Also of E.A. (ANNIE) TOURLE who passed away 39th January 1940 aged 58 years.
W.V.W. LETHBRIDGE died 23rd Decr. 1845. M.J. LETHBRIDGE died 27th May 1860. At rest.
A135: Errected in affectionate remembrance of DENNIS HARVEY who died November 11th 1879 aged 74 years. Also of ELIZABETH wife of the above who died November 2nd 1882 aged 70 years. Thy will be done.