They were asked specifically about attendance on Sunday March 30, 1851, and average for preceding period (not always completed), also whether the chapel was a separate and entire building and whether used exclusively as a place of worship (except for a Sunday School), also about space available. All of the following were said to be separate buildings used exclusively for worship. Attendance at Sunday School is given here in brackets.
St Andrews church, patron Earl of Devon
Seating 1000, congregation morning 300 (120), afternoon 700 (125), average for the previous year morning 250 (90), afternoon 650 (100).
John Stevens, churchwarden.
Baptist Chapel, Fore Street (General Baptist), erected before 1800.
Congregation morning 50 (50) (children go to Cross chapel in the afternoon).
Congregation of this Chapel assembles in the afternoon in the Cross Chapel.
Cross or Unitarian Chapel, Cross Street (Unitarian), erected before 1800 (seating 340). Average congregation about 200 (50).
John Smethurst, minister (both these returns on one form).
Bethlehem Chapel, Lime Street (free communion of Calvinists, congregation composed of Calvinists, Baptists and Independents), erected 1824.
Seating 100, congregation morning 41 (13), afternoon 59 (13), evening 61.
John Amery, minister, Barne Court.
Cross Street (no name of chapel), Wesleyan Methodist, erected 1817, seating 180, congregation morning 30 (35), afternoon 80 (35), evening 100.
John Dymond, steward (carpenter, Cross Street).
The Tabernacle, Moretonhampstead (no address given) (Independents), building erected about middle of 17th century.
Congregation average morning 50,afternoon 70, evening 100 (no services March 30 because under repair).
John Bevan, minister.