Mon. Jan. 13th. Died aged 70 Mrs Cole wife of Mr. John Cole
Fri. Feb. 14th. Last night about 8 O’Clock a fire broke out at one mill factory, belonging to Mr. Wm. White which nearly burnt the whole building, with part of the machinery. It cannot be accounted for how it happened, but generally supposed by accident. The house &c was insured.
Tue. Feb. 25th. Sat off for London Mr. John Mann, Carpenter and Tallow-Chandler and Mr. John Frost, Carpenter. The occasion of the former’s going is from embarrassed circumstances .
Wed. Feb. 26th. General Fast, the Volunteers paraded and marched to Church, where a sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Freke, Text 8th Chapter 1st Kings part 38th & 39th Verses. And the day was observed with all due respect.
Mon. Mar. 3rd. The Volunteers inspected by Colonel Taylor.
Tue. Mar. 4th. Lord Courtenay visited Moreton, accompanied with one of his sisters and several other Ladies and Gentlemen. His Lordship having a desire to see the Moreton Volunteers they paraded for that purpose, he was highly pleased with their soldier like appearance and was surprised to see them go through the light manoeuvres with such dexterity, they being on the twenty days establishment only. He dined at the London Inn, and gave a public ball and supper at the White Hart, where the table was served up in a stile superior to any thing his lordship ever saw in thc Country.
Thur. Mar. 6th. Married, Mr. Lambert, Licensed Hawker, to Miss Mary Snow, daughter of Mr. John Snow of Lowton in this Parish.
Fri. Mar. 14th. Died after a short illness aged 11 years, William Neck son of Mr. Thomas Neck Serge-Maker .
Wed. Mar.19th. A Troop of Equestrians performed in a field near this Town. They gave prizes in the same manner the Mountebanks did.
Thur. Mar. 20th. The said Troop performed again
Sat. Mar. 22nd. The Troop performed for the third time.
Thur. Mar. 27th. Married with Licence Mr. Gabriel Lightfoot of Arcott, to Miss Germon, eldest daughter of Mr. Nicholas Germon of Leign, both in this Parish.
Sat. Mar. 29th. The Troop performed again, with the addition of Wire and Tight Rope dancing, and their feats of agility were truly astonishing.
Sat. Apr. 5th. The fifth performance of the Equestrians, principle prize a Poney, or £4.0.0 which was won by a Dartmoore Tinner. The number of spectators was very great .
Thur. Apr. 10th Died, aged 35 after two days illness Elizabeth Hannaford, widow of John Hannaford who was sentenced for transportation a few years since, and died aboard the Hulk at Portsmouth. She is reported to have been a woman of loose character, but now is gone, in a very sudden manner, to answer for all.
Sat. Apr. 12th. The sixth performance of the Equestrians, principle prize Sow and pigs or £5.0.0
Thur. Apr. 17th. The last performance of the Troops principal prize a Dog or £7.0.0
Fri. Apr. 18th. Died suddenly aged 92 Elizabeth Brocke
Wed. Apr. 23rd. Died aged 66 Mrs Laskey of Peppern, in this Parish.
Sat. Apr. 26th. A Sale by public Auction at Mr Jabez Jackson’s for his household goods and furniture. ’Tis supposed he is going to London to reside.
Sun. Apr. 27th. Married John Waycott son of Mr. J.Waycott Paper-Maker to Mary Aller, daughter of Mr. J.Aller Shoemaker.
Wed. Apr. 30th. Died aged 85 Mr. Elias Babbacombe of Macombe in this Parish
Wed. May 7th. The remains of Mr Elias Babbacombe deposited in a vault in the Church Yard. A Funeral Sermon was preached on the occasion by the Rev Mr Crowther, Text 5th Chapter 2nd Corinthians & part 5th verse. Willing &c&c
Mon. May 19th. Mr Tapper, Currier of Crediton, has taken part of Mr Jackson’s house, and is come there to carry on his business.
Sat. May 24th. Great Market. Good Cattle sold well and at rather advanced prices.
Thur. May 29th. Which I suppose is taken notice of by almost every villager in the united Kingdom, but perhaps ignorant of the history of the event which is the cause of stripping the stately oak to decorate the fronts of houses &c &c on this memorable day .
Mon. June 2nd. Died aged 80 Mr. Thomas Marwood, Basket Maker.
Wed. June 4th. The anniversary of his Majesty’s birthday a few peals were rung on the occasion .
Sat. June 7th. Died aged 50 Elizabeth Cheeseworth wife of Mr. Cheeseworth, Schoolmaster, and keeper of the Parish Accounts.
Thur. June 19th. Monday last was married at the Parish Church of Stoke-Damerol Mr. James Wright of this Town, Cooper, to Miss Gorwin, alias, Lambert, of Cheriton-Bishop and this day they returned to Moreton in a Post Chaise.
Fri. July 4th. Died aged 75 Mr. Andrew Pethybridge of Willowstone in this Parish.
Sun. July 6th. Banns of Marriage published for the first time between Mr. George Harvey, Tallow Chandler, and Miss Susan Wrayford.
Thur. July 17th. Fair Day, tolerable shew of cattle selling rather dull. Mr. Moon the famous conjuror, and Mr. Seyward with punch’s opera, were the only amusements.
Tue. July 22nd. Died aged 47 Mary Samson, sometime since Chambermaid to the White Hart in this Town.
Wed. July 23rd. The Courtenay Arms a new handsome painted sign, and a present from Lord Courtenay to Mr. John Hancock, hung up in the room of the London Inn
Thur. July 24th. Married Mr. George Harvey to Miss Susan Wrayford.
Sun. July 27th. The remains of Mr. George Chudleigh, of Exeter brought here, and interred in the Church yard. Banns of Marriage published for the first time between Mr. Jeremiah Taverner Saddler, and Miss Esworthy of Dunsford
Tues. July 29th. Died aged 56 Mr. Thomas Cornish, Governor of the Workhouse.
Thur. Aug. 7th. Married Mr. John Taverner, son of Mr. Taverner of Dockham, to Miss Elizabeth Harvey, daughter of Mr. Harvey of Moor, both in this Parish.
Sun. Aug. 10th. Died aged 70. Mr. Richard Miller Woolcomber.
Wed. Aug. 13th. A party of the (Queen’s Bays) came here from Exeter, in their way to Plymouth .
Thur. Aug. 14th. The above party sat off for Plymouth. Married at Dunsford Mr. Jeremiah Taverner of this Place Sadler, to Miss Esworthy of Dunsford.
Mon. Aug. 18th. Thc bishop of Exeter, with several attendents arrived here.
Tue. Aug. 19th. The Bishop confirmed 239 Males and Females, this was the first confirmation ever remembered in Moreton
Fri. Aug. 22nd. Died aged 70 Mrs Lamacraft, wife of Mr. Thomas Lamacraft of Stewart-Wood in this Parish.
Sun. Aug. 24th. Married Mr. Bartholomew Parker, Mason, and Hellier, to Miss Elizabeth Dayment daughter of Mr. John Dayment, Shopkeeper.
Sun. Aug. 24th. Married William Miller, Labourer, to Mary Frost daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Frost of Cossick in this Parish. Married, at Wolborough Church (Newton) Mr. Charles Tozer of this Place, to Miss Hannaford of Newton-Abbot.
Sun. Aug. 31st. Banns of Marriage published for the first time between Mr. George Germon, son of Mr. Gabriel Germon of Coomb, to Miss Elizabeth Peters daughter of Mr. William Peters Farmer and Butcher in this town.
Tue. Sept. 2nd. This afternoon 9 waggons and carts came here from Exeter, with military baggage.
Wed. Sept. 3rd. This morning, the said wagons &c sat off for the camp on Buckland down.
Mon. Sept. 29th. Died aged 76 Mrs. Elizabeth Brockdon 3rd wife of Mr. William Brockdon, Shoe-Maker .
Fri. Oct. 3rd. Married Matthew Frost, Taylor, to Mary Pain.
Sun. Oct. 5th. Died aged 12 years, Mary Bragg, daughter of Mr. William Bragg, Tanner
Wed. Oct. 15th. Married Mr. George Germon to Miss Elizabeth Peters.
Mon. Oct. 27th. Married Robert Marwood, Shoe Maker to Ann Howe.
Wed. Oct. 29th. A company of the Oxford Militia came here from Exeter to remain during the Election.
Tue. Nov. 4th. Lord Courtenay’s court, held at the White Hart, and the usual business transacted. Mr. Earthwright steward for the first time.
Died aged 10 years, George Snow, son of Mr. Richard Snow, Thatcher.
Mon. Nov. 7th [sic]. Died aged 45 William Puddicombe, Shoemaker.
Tue. Nov. 11th. The Oxford Militia march for Exeter.
Tue. Nov. 18th. The Rev. Mr. Dinney, pastor of the Methodist congregation ordained here this day. Five ministers assisted in the service. The Revd. Mr Allen of Exeter delivered sermon on the occasion. Text 2nd Chapter 2nd Timothy 1st part 15th verse “Study to …”
Thur. Nov. 27th. Moreton Fair 1820 Sheep were produced for sale, out of which 1277 were sold. Mr Seyward with punch’s opera was the only amusement.
Mon. Dec. 8th. Married with Licence Mr Wm Tucker one of the masters of the Grammar school to Miss Pinsent.