Fri. Jan. 6th. [sic].  Married Samuel Shears, Carpenter, to Mary Hutchings, daughter of Thomas Hutchings.

Died aged        Miss Mary Christopher.

Sun. Jan 14th.  Died after 4 hours illness, supposed to be Gout in his stomach, Mr John Mardon, Fore Street, Serge Maker, he was in the 55th year of his age.

Thur. Feb. 8th.  Died aged 70, Mary Smale. Two Danish Gentlemen came here from Plymouth to remain on their parole.

Thur. Mar. 22nd.  Fifty French officers came here from North Tawton to remain on parole.

Sat. Mar. 24th.  About half past Twelve O’Clock this morning died in the 79th year of her age, Grandmother Lang.

Forty-five French officers came here from North Tawton to remain on parole.

Sun. Apr. 1st.  One French Officer came here from Mill Prison Plymouth to remain on parole .

Mon. Apr. 2nd.  Died aged 30, John Lewis Gardener

Thur. Apr. 5th.  Two Danish Gentlemen came here from Plymouth to remain on parole.

Sun. Apr. 8th.  Married Joshua Horrell Shoe-Maker to Mary Lee, daughter in Law of Mr Gilbert Frost.

Wed. Apr. 11th.  About Fifty of the North Hants Regiment of Militia, came here on their way to the Prison on Dartmoor.

Thur. Apr. 12th.  The above Fifty Soldiers sat off for Dartmoor. About Fifty more of the above regiment came here

Fri. Apr. 13th.  The above soldiers sat off for Dartmoor.

Sun. Apr. 29th.  Died aged 33              a French Officer on parole. What is remarkable a passport for him to return home arrived yesterday.

Tue. May 1st.  The remains of the aforesaid French Officer, were interred with Masonic honours he being a Free Mason.  One hundred and four French and Danish Officers that were on parole here, as well as most of the respectable Inhabitants of this place attended his funeral.

This is the first foreigner that has died in Moretonhampstead since it was made a parole Town. 

Twelve French Officers arrived here from Plymouth, to remain on parole.

Wed. May 2nd.  Three French Officers arrived to remain on parole.

Mon. May 7th.  Monsieur Labersiere and another French Officer, having their passports to return to France, sat off for Plymouth to go on board the Cartel.

Tue. May 8th.  Four French Officers and a Boy having received their Passports, sat off for Plymouth.

Tue. May 29th.  The Anniversary of the restoration of King Charles 2nd.

Ringing, and a few twigs of oak stuck up on the occasion.

[No entries for 1811]


Tue. Sep. 8th.  Married with Licence Mr Thos. Heard, Glazier, to Miss Mary Hill, daughter-in-law of Wm. Lobb Labourer.

Tue. Sep. 22nd.  Died aged         Sarah Ford

[No other entries for 1812]


Sun. June 27th.  Married Mr  ——– , to Miss Squires, daughter of Mr Squires Paper Maker.

Tue. June 29th.  Married John Ash, Husbandman, to Ann Stevens.

Wed. June 30th.  Married John Baker, Husbandman, to Grace Frost, daughter of Mr Wm. Frost, of Linscott.

Mon. July 5th.  This morning we received the Gazettes of Lord Wellington’s victory over the French, at Vittoria in Spain on 21st Ult.  The Bells rang all the day on the occasion.

Sun. July 11th.  Died aged 62 Richard Hutchings Husbandman.

Thur. July 15th.  Fair-day. The smallest Fair of Bullocks and Sheep ever remembered.  The amusements were two exhibitions with Punch’s Opera and a man with a 1d peep.

Tue. July 19th.  A sale at the Red Lion, held by Mr James Dibble, for all his Household Goods and Furniture, he has left Moreton for debt.  The House is taken by Mr John Lamacraft.

Sun. July 25th.  Banns of Marriage published for the first time between John Walling son of Mr. John Walling, Carpenter, and Elizabeth Hutchings, Mantua Maker, daughter of the late Richard Hutchings, Husbandman.

Sat. July 31st.  Died aged 71 Mr Nicholas Wrayford, Hatter.

Sun. Aug. 22nd.  Married John Walling to Elizabeth Hutchings.

Tue. Aug. 24th.  Part of the South Devon Militia came here on their way to Dartmoor Prison.

Wed. Aug. 25th.  The above party march’d for the Prison  The remainder of the said Regt. came here.

Thur. Aug. 26th.  The above sat off for the Prison.

Tue. Oct. 5th.  Died in the 59 year of his age Richard Horsham, Husbandman.

Tue. Oct. 19th.  Married Mr Salathiel Frost, carpenter to Miss Ellis daughter of Mr Joseph Ellis, Pound Street.

Sun. Nov. 21st.  Died aged 86 Mr Robert Mardon Taylor.

Thur. Nov. 25th.  Moreton Fair.  No amusement.

Mon. Nov. 29th.  Died aged 86 Samuel Sobey  Scavenger.

Wed. Dec. 22nd.  Died aged 87, Henry Taverner  Husbandman.

Sat. Dec. 25th.  Died aged 81 Dame Boon.

Mon. Dec. 27th.  This morning the following young men sat off for Exeter to be made Free Masons (viz) Mr Samuel Gray, Mr William Hayward, Mr Henry Tozer, Mr James Neck, and Mr Richard Snow.

[The following announcement is on a separate sheet of paper pinned on to this page of the diary].


Christmas-day happening this year on a Saturday, The Public are desired to take notice that Moretonhampstead Market will be held on Thursday the 23rd Inst.

Dated Decr. 9th 1813.


Wed. Jan 12th.  Died aged 89,  Dame Betty Plimshole.

Tue. Jan. 25th.  Died  84  Charles Discombe, Blacksmith.

Wed. Feb. 2nd.  A most afflicting circumstance took place at Woosten in this parish viz. Mr James Windeatt in a fit of insanity put a period to his existence in this world by cutting his throat with a razor in so dreadful that his head was nearly half severed from his body  He was taken ill about two months since with a kind of Phrenzy, and in the morning that he committed the rash act in the afternoon he shewed strong symptoms of delirium, about 3 O’Clock he stepped from the kitchen in a very sudden manner to his bed room, Mrs Windeatt went almost immediately after him, but too late  he had committed the act, he kissed her she run over the stairs for assistance, when a women in the house ran to the room, on her entering it he took the razor again, went to the looking glass   He was in the 42 year of his age and has left a disconsolate widow and three children to lament his untimely end.

Thur. Feb. 3rd.  A Coroners inquest held at Woosten on the body of Mr Windeatt  Verdict Lunacy.  The following are the names of the Coroner & Jury    John Hugo, Gent of Newton, Coroner,


John Treleaven, Foreman Thomas Heard, Thomas White, Thomas Mardon, John Stevens Junr. John Tarr, William Heyward, George Harvey, William Stevens, John Sillifant, Junr. Samuel Cann Junr. & Simon Kelly.

Friday Feb. 4th.  Died in the 57th year of his age Mr. Nicholas Germon, of Leign, in this parish.

Wed. Feb. 9th.  Died aged    Fanny Wrayford wife of Samuel Wrayford.

Sat. Mar. 5th.  This morning Mr Richard Eastabrook, formerly of this place, but who had for some months past resided in Exeter, put a period to his existence by cutting his throat.  He had shown strong symtoms of delirium for the last two years.  He has left a widow and two young children.  He was in the 58 year of his age.

Sun. Mar. 13th.  Married Walter, the son of Thomas Hutchings, Fishmonger, to Elizabeth daughter of James Taverner, at the Turnpike Gate.

Mon. Mar. 28th.  Married, with licence, William the son of Mr Daniel Taverner – carpenter to Martha daughter of Mr Thomas Amery, of Lustleigh.

Died aged       Susanna Connett

Died aged —- Dinah wife of William Dolbear, Husbandman.

Wed. June 15th.  Married Mr Wm Heyward, Currier to Miss Tarr daughter of Mr James Tarr.

Married Mr Orchard of Dunsford to Elizabeth daughter of Mr James Osborn, Taylor.

Sun. July 3rd.  Died in the 26th year of his age Moses, son of Mr Aaron Matthews, Black Smith.

Tue. July 5th.  Died aged        Mrs Passmoor, wife of Mr W. Passmoor, Glazier & Painter.

Thur. July 21st.  Moreton Fair, a pretty good shew of cattle but no amusement of any kind.

Mon. July 25th.  Festivity in honour of the happy return of Peace with France. The Inhabitants endeavoured to outvie each other in decorating the fronts of their houses with laurel, oak &c &c and several arches were erected in the Street tastefully decorated which altogether gave the town the appearance of a Grove.

Tue. July 26th.  The morning was ushered in at a very early hour by ringing of Bells, and a choir of singers accompanied with a good band of music sang a song through the different streets suitable to the long wish’d for day.  About 10 O’Clock in the morning, the streets were thronged by people who flocked in, in great numbers from the neighbouring parishes, and at 12 O’Clock a grand procession, consisting of Farmers, Husbandmen, the different trades, School, &c &c the whole comprising about 800 Men Women and Children, took place which from its judicious arrangement, correct and chaste taste of dress decorations &c the steady manner in which they marched, the orderly and highly praise worthy behaviour of an immense number of spectators during the procession formed one of the most delightful and enchanting scenes ever witnessed this town or its neighbourhood, the procession proceeded through the different streets, and on passing the parsonage house, a Hogshead of Beer was given them by the worthy rector the Revd. William Charles Clack.  After the procession closed, in the Sentry the populace were regaled in a square of 200 feet, with plenty of old English fare, Beef, Plum puddings, Beer and cider, during dinner a band of music, on an elevated stand in the centre of the square played several national airs, after dinner the merry dance commenced which continued ’till night when the company parted highly delighted with the amusements of the day

Died aged       Sarah eldest daughter of Mr Aaron Matthews Black Smith .

Wed. July 27th.  This afternoon the poor were again regaled in the Shambles and different parts of the town with Tea &c after which they repaired, accompanied by the principal Inhabitants, to the Sentry, where without distinction they all joined in the festive dance, which was kept up ’till a late hour, thus closed the festivity, and we are happy to add that harmony and good humour pervaded through the whole.

Thur. July 28th.  Died aged 91, Robert Ellis.

Wed. Aug. 17th.  Married Mr. B.Parker, Mason, to Ann Mardon, servant of Mr John Ponsford, Surgeon.

Mon. Aug. 29th.  Married Mr. John Laskey, of Beeland, widower, to Mrs Coldridge, widow, she lived as Housekeeper with him.

Mon. Sep.12th.  Married, Mr Charles Humphries, School Master, to Miss Susan Newcombe.

Mon. Sep. 19th.  Died in the 85th year of her age, Mrs Ann Jackson of Wray in this Parish

Mon. Sep. 26th.  Married, Samuel Wrayford, widower, to Jane Skinner.

Fri. Oct. 21st.  Died aged        Elizabeth Mardle

Sat. Oct. 22nd.  This afternoon, Mr Saddler Junr. ascended in a Balloon from the Castle Yard, Exeter .

Mon. Oct. 24th.  Died aged 51 Mr W.Tozer of the Dolphin Inn.

Tue. Nov. 1st.  Lord Courtenay’s Court for this Manor and Borough, held at the House (late the White Hart Inn, the present occupier Mr B.Hewer, not having taken out a Licence this year) were the usual business was transacted.

Wed. Nov. 2nd.  Part of the 1st Somerset Militia came here on their way to Dartmoor Prison

Thur. Nov. 3rd.  The above party marched for the Prison.

The remainder of the said Regt. came here.

Fri. Nov. 4th.  The above sat off for the Prison.

Sat. Nov. 5th.  The Anniversary of the Gunpowder plot.  Ringing &c &c.

It is now 209 years since the plot was discovered, which was intended to have blown up King James the first, and his Parliament.

Fri. Nov. 11th.  Died aged 82 Dame Taverner mother of Mr D. Taverner, Carpenter.

Mon. Nov. 14th.  Died in the Workhouse, aged 72 Richard Edgecombe, Husbandman.

Thur. Nov. 24th.  Moreton Fair. Very fine weather for the Season.

Fri. Dec.      Died aged          Edward Bates.

Sun. Dec. 25th.  Christmas-Day. The morning was ushered in with a carol.  The Church and Meeting Choir both singing the same tune.   Words by the Rev Wm Carwithen  Manaton, sat to Music by Mr Chapel  Organist  Ashburton.