Mon. Jan. 9th.  Married with licence, Mr Richard Hutchings, to Mrs Tozer, widow of the late Mr W.Tozer, of the Dolphin lnn.

Tue. Jan. 31st.  Married, Mr. N.M.Cheeseworth School Master (widower) to Ann Trend, widow, daughter of the late Edward Bates.

This afternoon died aged 76 Miss Mary Mardon, Mantua Maker.

Wed. Feb. 8th.  Died after a lingering illness in the 57th year of her age Mrs Harvey, wife of Mr Richard Harvey, Maltster & Butcher.

Sun. Feb. 12th.  This morning the remains of Mrs Harvey interred in the New Chapel burial ground the funeral service read by the Revd. I. Isaac.

Wed. Mar. 1st.  The new line of road from Moretonhampstead to Dunsford is now open to the public, and it is indeed, a delightful alteration, the high hills are completely avoided and scenes at once new and romantic present themselves for the contemplation of the admiring traveller.

This evening a quarrel happened at the sign of the Ring of Bells, in this town between Matthew Frost, Baker, and John Commin, Baker when the former struck the latter and likewise kicked him violently on the left cheek.  John Commin fetched a summons for Frost, and they are to appear before the Rev George Gregory, at the White Hart Inn, in this town on Tuesday next.

Tue. Mar. 7th.  This afternoon John Commin was seized with an apoplectic fit, while he was at the White Hart Inn, settling with Matthew Frost respecting their quarrel, and died in a few hours. He was in the      year of his age.  In consequence of the violent blow which John Cummin had received, his friends thought proper to send for a Coroner, and also to send to Exeter for a Surgeon to have his head opened.

Thur. Mar. 9th.  This forenoon a Coroner’s inquest was held before John Hugo, Gent. On the body of John Commin; his being opened by Mr Luscombe, Surgeon of Exeter and Mr. Puddicombe, Surgeon, of this place, both of which were of the opinion that he died of Apoplexy which was caused by a ruptured vessel of the brain, and not from the blow he received.  The Jury returned a Verdict  died of an Apopletic fit.

March   A New Eight-day Clock and Chimes and a New Dial, put up in the tower of Moreton.

The Clock and Chimes were made by Mr. Walter Frend of Holsworthy.

Mon. June 5th.  About 2 O’Clock this afternoon as Edward Mortimore, of North Bovey, Mason, his son and two men, were working on a scaffold 18 feet high, in the Court of the White Hart Inn, in this town, one of the supporters broke, by which means Mortimore and his son were precipitated to the ground, the Father was taken up apparently dead, his scull was fractured and otherwise much bruised. He languished till friday morning, when he died, leaving a widow and four children to lament his loss. The son received very little hurt, and the other two men preserved themselves from falling by catching hold of the scaffold poles.

Sun. June 11th.  This afternoon the remains of Edward Mortimore, were carried to North Bovey, and interred.  A Funeral discourse was preached on the occasion by the Revd. John Jones, Curate, text

Mon. Aug.      Married at Manaton, Mr Samuel Gray, son of Mr John Gray, of the Golden Lion, in this town, to Mary, second daughter of Mr Wm. Heyward of Langstone in the Parish of Manaton.

Tue. Sep. 26th.  Married, Mr Henry Tozcr, Saddler to Miss Liscombe  Mantua Maker.

Thur. Sep. 28th.  Died at North Bovey, in the 85th year of his age, Wm Walling.   Died at Wray, in this Parish, in the 85th year of his age, John Potter, Father of the wife of Mr Geo Jackson, of Wray, He had been blind Nine years.

Tue. Oct. 3rd.  An inquest taken at Clifford Bridge, in this Parish, before John Hugo, Gent. Coroner, on the body of Ann Harvey, daughter of Daniel Harvey, a child of seven months old, who died in consequence of a scald or burn, by falling into the fire on Saturday last.   Verdict, Accident.

Mon. Oct. 9th.  The first division of the East Middlesex Militia came here from Exeter on their way to the Prison of War, Dartmoor.

Tue. Oct. 10th.  The above division march’d for the Prison, and the remainder of the Regt. came here. 

This morning died at an advanced age Mr Samuel Gray, of the New Inn.  He has left a widow and four young children.

Wed. Oct. 11th.  This morning the last division of the East Middlesex Militia march’d for the Prison.

Tue. Oct. 31st.  Married, Richard Cowling, Stone Cutter, to Mary. daughter of Joseph Ash, Husbandman. 

Lord Courtenay’s Court, for this Manor and Borough, held at the White Hart, where the usual business was transacted.

Sun. Nov. 5th.  The Anniversary of the Gunpowder plot – we were awakened very early by the sound of the bells, which continued ringing with very little intermission, excepting during divine service, through the whole day.

Mon. Nov. 6th.  Married, Mr Wm. Merry, widower, to Mrs Mary Cox, Widow.

This evening the boys collected a quantity of Wood, and made a large Bonfire, to commemorate the Gunpowder plot.  There was also a large Ball in the Garret at the White Hart, which I understand ended in a battle Royal.

Dec.   Died in the Workhouse aged         Charity Allent.

Sun. Dec. 17th.  Died in the Workhouse aged —– Jacob Laskey.


Sat. Jan. 13th.  About a quarter after 3 O’Clock this morning, a fire broke out in a house occupied by Thomas Holman, late a Sergeant in the Royal Marines, in the Court (Commonly known by the name of French’s Court) behind Mr Thos. White’s House, which burnt with great fury for four hours, & the people began to be alarmed for the safety of the whole town, but having an excellent Engine, and through the great exertions of the Inhabitants, it was got under after  destroying all the houses on each side of the court, (except two) and all the houses opposite the Dolphin Inn, as far as Mr Neck’s Garden, the houses being occupied by 8 labouring people, and happening at so early an hour, they have lost there all; and what adds to this distressing scene is that one poor woman called Mary West, sister to the  little John Woodley, who lived in an upper room of one of the Tenements, was burnt to death.  Great praise is due to the Rev Wm. Charles Clack, and Richard Holland, Esqr. for their goodness in providing the poor sufferers with Clothes and Money.  A subscription is also set on foot by which it is hoped that the loss of the poor will in some measure be made up

Mon. Jan. 15th.  This forenoon a Coroners Inquest was taken before John Hugo, Gent Coroner on the mutilated remains of Mary West, – Verdict …

In the afternoon. Her remains were carried to North Bovey to be interred.

Fri. Mar. 15th.  Died at an advanced age in the Workhouse, Farmer Mortimore

Sun. Mar. 17th.  Died in the 50th year of her age Mrs. Mary Soper, widow.

Mon. Mar. 25th.  Died of a cancer in her breast aged 49 Susanna, wife of Mr Rd. Tallamy Shoe-Maker.

Tue. Apr. 23rd.  Married Mr Tessier, Merchant of Liverpool, to Miss Maria Germon, daughter of the late Mr Nicholas Germon, of Leign, in this Parish.

Sun. Apr. 28th.  Died at an advanced age in the Workhouse, Ann Stonelake, commonly known by the name of Stumpy Stanlake.

Sun. May 19th.  Died aged 70 Mr. Gilbert Ellicombe, Farmer.

Fri. May 24th.  Died at Totnes in the 44th year of her age Mary Brunning wife of Charles Brunning Carpenter.

Sat. May. 25th.  Died in the 57th year of his age William Batershill, Woolcomber, but for the last 12 years he had been a chaise driver.

Tue. June 11th.  Married, William Adams, Mason, to Mary, second daughter of Mr. James Osborn, Taylor.

Fri. June 28th.  Married, Mr F. Wetherdon, Dancing Master, to Susan, third daughter of Mr James Tarr, Linen and Woollen Draper.

Thur. July 4th.  Married, Mr Edward White, Tanner, to Susan, Eldest daughter of the late Mr Wm Smale.


The following entries occupied six of the blank pages towards the end of the original second volume.

Chronological Occurrences

in Moretonhampstead



Tue. Jan. 27th.  Died in the 82d year of his age Mr John Sillifant Senr.  Mason

Thur. Jan. 29th.  Died aged 82 Mary Young, widow of the late John Young.

Sun. Feb. 15th.  Died aged 73 Betsy wife of Mr Thomas Hall

Mon. Feb. 16th.  Died aged 82 Ann wife of Wm Laskey Senr. Husbandman

Tue. Mar. 3rd.  Died aged        Susan wife of John Smale of Exeter, Carpenter and youngest daughter of Mr Richard Snow  Thatcher.

Fri. Apr. 10th.  Died aged       Joan wife of John Tozer, Shoe Maker.

Sat. Apr. 11th.  Died in the 80 years of his age Mr John Guy of Slade in the Parish of Hennock – for many years a carrier from Moreton to Exeter.

Fri. Apr. 17th.  Died aged 30  Susanna wife of James Saunders, Husbandman.

Fri. May 1st.  Died aged         Maria wife of M Talathiel Frost, Carpenter.

Mon. June 22nd.  Died in the 75th year of his age Mr William Ponsford, Surgeon.

Tue. June 23rd.  Died at Higher Sloncombe in this Parish aged        Mr William Woolland.

Sun. July 12th.  Died aged 67 Robert Hutchings, Husbandman.

Fri. Sep. 11th.  Died aged 76 James Brimblecombe alias Clarke, Husbandman.

Mon. Sep. 28th.  Died in the 36 year of his age Mr William Potter, of Coombe in this Parish.

Tue. Oct. 6th.  Died in the 72nd year of his age after a long illness Mr Charles Pooke Shoe Maker.

Wed. Oct. 28 Died in the 77 year of his age Mr Wm Peters Scnr – Butcher.

Thur. Dec. 3rd.  Died aged         Mr Daniel Taverner Carpenter.

Sun. Dec. 13th.  Died aged 15 Thomas youngest son of Mr Wm Tucker, Schoolmaster.

Wed. Dec. 16th.  Died aged 55 Mr Samuel Cann Senr. of the White Hart Inn.

Tue. Dec. 22nd.  Died in the 71 year of his age Mr Aaron Matthews Sennr  Black Smith


Mon. Jan. 4th.  Died in the 76 year of her age, Mrs Taverner, wife of Mr John Taverner of Great Dockham in this Parish.

Sat. Jan. 16th.  Died aged 66  Mary, wife of John Routery, Husbandman.

Thur. Jan. 21st.  Died aged        Ruth Rowland

Fri. Jan. 29th.  Died Aged 73  John Rolston, Husbandman

Sun. Feb. 11th.  Married with Licence Mr James Osborn Junr. Butterdon to Miss Betsy Langdon daughter of Mr Elias Langdon, Carrier, Grand-daughter, Mrs Ann Langdon, and Great-granddaughter of the late Mr Thos Pethybridge, commonly known by the  name of little Farmer Toms.

Sun. Feb.14th.  Died aged 66 Susanna wife of Samuel Puddicombe.

Mon. Feb. 22nd.  Died aged         Mr Wm Leat, Basket Maker.

Died aged       Mrs Jane Wooland, widow of the late Mr Wm Woolland, and daughter of the late Mr Wm Peters.

Tue.     Died aged 19 Sarah Hird  daughter of Mr Wm Tucker School-master.

Sat. Mar. 27th.   Mary Yandell (an apprentice to Mr. Westlake) who was at work at Mr. Dicker’s factory North Bovey, imprudently putting one of her hands too near the scribling Machine, it was instantaneously caught in, and the flesh and tendons of her arm lacerated in a shocking manner; fortunately part of the machine broke, otherwise her arm must have been broken to pieces.

Tue. Apr. 6th.  George Tapper, Mason, working on the New Meeting House, had loaded the scaffold too heavy   it broke, and he fell with a vast weight of Stones, the height of about 16 feet, was materially bruised but broke no bones.

Sat. Sep. 25th.  Died this morning after a lingering illness, of above two years Mr John Saunders in the 74th year of his age.

This afternoon in the 81st year of his age Mr W Browne Woolcomber.

Tue. Oct. 12th.  Died aged          John Stevens Husbandman.

Mon. Oct. 18th.  Mr Joseph Eastabrook & his wife and also his son Joseph, his wife and three Children, left Moreton for Plymouth from whence they intend to sail in Steam vessel for Dublin, and from thence to Liverpool, from whence the intend to sail for New York in the United States of America.